The 4 Best Nasal Red Light Therapy Devices (for Sinuses & Allergies)

intranasal red ligth therapy devices

Sneezing, runny nose, watery and itchy eyes, and coughing – are all the common symptoms of allergic rhinitis, colds, flu, and sinusitis (caused by allergy).

Can intranasal red light therapy be your almost instant, drug-free solution for these disturbing symptoms?

Science and my personal experience say YES.

A small, easy-to-use nasal LED Light therapy device can open your congested nose, and stop the sneezing and itchy eyes – without any side effects.

(Though there is one side effect: your family staring at you while your nose glows red😉)

In this post, you’ll find the scientific evidence behind photobiomodulation for allergy relief, nasal red light therapy devices reviews, and how to use them at home.

👉 In a Hurry?

See my comparison table below, or jump to the intranasal allergy relievers reviews.

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How Does Nasal Red Light Therapy Work?

nasal red light therapy how does it work

Red light therapy for sinuses involves the simple process of clipping a small red light therapy diode (630nm – 810nm) to the nose – to illuminate the nasal cavity – for a specific amount of time.

Most devices include one or two small LED light-emitting probes, which quickly stimulate the blood capillaries in your nasal cavity.

The result?

  • Increased blood circulation in the nasal tissues
  • Enhanced local blood oxygen saturation
  • Eliminated/reduced nasal obstruction (congestion) caused by nasal swelling
  • Improved nasal anti-virus/germs ability
  • Repaired local blood capillaries
  • Strengthened detoxification ability of the nasal mucosa
Which Red Light Device is Right for You? Our Free PDF will help you find out – in 2 minutes!

The 4 Best Nasal Red Light Therapy Devices (for Sinuses)

Through my research and personal experience, I found the 4 devices below to be the best ones in 2025.

You’ll discover why and where to find them in my intranasal light therapy reviews below:

1. RubyLux BioNase LED Nasal Therapy Device – Best Budget

bionase nasal red ligth therapy device

  • Treatment time – 5 minutes twice a day
  • Wavelength – 660 nm


For less than $30, the Bionase nasal light therapy device is super simple to use, with 2 nasal probes emitting red light therapy through small LED bulbs, and comes with a free set of replacement LED lights, in case they stop working (in my experience, they don’t).

All you have to do is insert a 9V battery, turn the device on, insert the probes into your nostrils (after removing the small plastic covers), and lay down for 5 minutes.

The auto shut-off will turn the device off after about 15 minutes, but 5 minutes twice a day is enough.

I was amazed by the phenomenal results I got for clearing my sinuses and stopping nose bleeds from allergies. Worked much better than I expected.

Rubilux Bionase Pros

  • Low price
  • Strong enough to clear sinus congestion when used regularly
  • Short treatment time – 5 minutes is enough


  • The spacing of the diodes is a bit too wide for some people, I wish they were adjustable
  • Some people complained that the device does not shut off automatically. However, you can easily disconnect the probes from the device and it will shut off

Available on Amazon ($25)

2. MitoBOOST Intranasal Device – Trusted Brand

best intranasal red light therapy device

  • Treatment time – 10-30 minutes (adjustable) x 4 times a week
  • Wavelengths – blue (450 nm) + Red (650 nm)

$189 AT MITO

With code MEITAL

The MitoBOOST uses a dual-wavelength technology: blue light (450 nm) for microbial sanitization, and red light (650 nm) to boost immunity, reduce inflammation, and improve oxygenation.

You can use both probes with the same wavelength (red to reduce inflammation and open the sinuses – gradually, or blue to kill bacteria) or with a different wavelength for each nostril.

You can also alternate between both wavelengths which is optimal when you have an acute cold or a sinus infection.

mito intranasal device review

The MitoBOOST is portable and lightweight, and it is cordless (comes with a Lithium battery).

Looking through the user reviews, I found many who felt a difference in their sinus health and overall well-being after using the device regularly.

Some feel immediate relief, and others need a couple of weeks before feeling the results.

I recommend at least 15 minutes of treatment time daily or at least 4 times a week to feel the results.

MitoBoost Pros

  • Cordless and 100% portable, lightweight
  • Dualwave technology – two wavelengths
  • Easy to use
  • Travel-friendly
  • Excellent customer service
  • 60-day trial!


  • A bit confusing at first use (Mito is working on improving the user manual)
  • Expensive, but you have a 60-day trial

Available at MitoRedLight ($199)

3. Bionette Nasal Light Therapy – Clinically Tested

red light nose probes

  • Treatment time: 5 minutes (with auto shut-off), 2-3 times a day
  • Wavelength: 630 nm, output – 4-8 mW


The Bionette red light nose probe is a small and simple-to-use nasal red light therapy device, the nasal probes are adjustable and it is easy to fit them inside your nostrils comfortably.

It may be small, but it’s powerful:

Some users say they are thrilled to find they can relieve sinus-related headaches, after years of trying just about everything else.

To use the Bionette, you simply squeeze the buttons on both sides of the device. Then you insert a probe into each nostril and relax.

The buttons spread the nasal probes and activate the dual light sensors.

When you feel improvement, you can reduce the frequency of use gradually.

Bionette Pros

  • It can be safely used with other treatments/medications.
  • Does not heat up your nostrils
  • The battery lasts up to 80 treatments
  • Comfortable and easy to use
  • Safe for children


  • Batteries are not included.

Available on Amazon 

4. REDLOOK Red Light Therapy Device – Multipurpose

infrared rhinitis therapy device reviews

  • Wavelengths – 630-660nm / 850nm-900nm / 460nm
  • Treatment time-  3 minutes up to 4 times a day


The REDLOOK wireless Red Light Therapy Device uses red light, near-infrared light, and blue light therapy in 4 modes to choose from – to relieve nasal congestion and improve nasal airflow in conditions such as allergic rhinitis and sinus infections.

The blue light rays can be used to kill bacteria inside your nose, as it acts as a proven disinfectant.

Its special removable tip design allows you to use it for many other things, such as antiaging, ear infections, joint pain, cold sores, and any other localized symptoms.

The only problem is you can only use it inside one nostril at a time, which can double your treatment time if both your nostrils are blocked or you wish for a more holistic treatment.

When you remove the tip it turns into an LED flashlight, the light covers a larger area, such as the knee, or neck, and can be used for pain relief.

red light therapy device for the nose


  • 4 modes to choose from (only red/red & near-infrared/only blue/only near-infrared)
  • The tip fits all nose sizes and shapes
  • Simple one-button operation
  • wireless, 100% portable
  • Multipurpose (skin anti-aging, pain relief, cold sores)
  • 2-year warranty


  • Relatively expensive
  • One nostril at a time treatment

Available on Amazon ($49)

Benefits of Intranasal Light Therapy

red light therapy for allergies

Intranasal red LED light therapy (also known as Rhino Phototherapy) is a 100% natural, non-invasive, painless, and low-cost way to quickly relieve Allergic Rhinitis, Hay Fever, Sinusitis symptoms, and even the cold or the flu.

Why should you use it?

Well, here are more great benefits of using LLT devices for allergy relief at home:

  1. Treatment is scientifically proven to work and is side-effect-free
  2. Treatment time is short – 4-5 minutes, 2-3 times a day until symptoms are dramatically reduced
  3. Intranasal illumination devices are small, easy to carry, compact, and portable
  4. The best devices are easy to use and have an LCD display screen with easy-operation buttons
  5. Home devices are not expensive and can be used anytime, anywhere you are – indefinitely.
  6. You may be able to cut down or even eliminate the use of medication
  7. Phototherapy stimulates your entire body to heal itself. When you use it you’ll reap other health benefits such as improved cognitive function, neuroprotection effect, reduced blood pressure, and cholesterol, fewer triglycerides, better breathing, insomnia relief, and keeping you in generally good health.

Does Nasal Light Therapy Work for Allergies and Sinus Infections?

Exposing your inner nose to light has many scientifically proven benefits. Researchers have found that it has a systemic effect on your brain and entire body. As for allergies, research has found that yes – it works.

Red light therapy suppresses cells that release histamine, which is responsible for causing allergy symptoms and may help to reduce inflammation and swelling in the nasal passages, which can help to improve nasal airflow and reduce congestion.

For example, this clinical trial (double-blind randomized) has reported significant improvement in symptoms by 72% of Allergic Rhinitis patients, and objective improvement was endoscopically seen in 70% of them, as compared with 24% and 3% respectively, in the placebo group.

It’s also proven to help with Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, cognitive performance, and more.

Intranasal Light Therapy Side Effects

Photobiomodulation is proven to be without any major side effects and has been supported by a large body of scientific evidence for over 30 years.

Low-Level light therapy is categorized by the FDA as a “non-significant risk” product.

However, as with any other treatment, excessive use is not recommended and may create free radicals. It’s important to follow instructions and not overuse the device.


An intranasal light therapy device is a 100% natural and safe treatment for allergy symptoms, is proven to work, and is low-cost and effective.

It’s a pleasant and easy way to reduce your need for allergy medication as well and promote healing in your entire body, by stimulating the body to heal itself.

You can also use an infrared heat lamp for allergy relief.

It is proven to be effective and can be used for many other health conditions involving pain and inflammation.

To your health and happiness,



Narrow-Band Red Light Phototherapy in Perennial Allergic Rhinitis and Nasal Polyposis, Neuman, Ittai et al. Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, Volume 78, Issue 4, 399 – 406

Johnstone, Daniel M et al. “Turning On Lights to Stop Neurodegeneration: The Potential of Near Infrared Light Therapy in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease.” Frontiers in neuroscience vol. 9 500. 11 Jan. 2016,
Meital James
Founder and CEO of 4 healthy living blogs, has a background in Naturopathic medicine, research, journalism, and nutrition. Her blogs are the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and experience and all the posts are verified by scientific findings.

22 thoughts on “The 4 Best Nasal Red Light Therapy Devices (for Sinuses & Allergies)”

  1. I have severe swelling on the bridge of my nose..from my sinuses. I tried everything to get the swelling down, and nothing seems to work. Do you think red light theropy would help get the swelling down?

  2. What are the effects on the heart? I have HyperPOTS where I have increased blood pressure and BPM, the vasodilation scares me as that’s already an issue for me, looking for better blood flow with some vasoconstriction, but any vasodilation will make it worse. The ideal scenario is lower blood pressure with vasoconstriction. Also have Arrythmia on occasion, any research on these products with reducing arrhythmia?

    • According to what I’ve found, red light therapy (through LEDs) does not have any negative effects on the heart. And, normally, illumination does not have an effect on the heart’s electrical activity. In fact, some scientists are now convinced that light pulses can be used to replace electric shocks for normalizing heartbeat.
      To be on the safe side, consult with your doctor before you start any treatment with light therapy.

  3. Can it increase polyps? Reason I am asking… since one of the reasons light therapy works is stimulations of mitochondria and feeding cells. I read an article about the continued debate regarding cancer about whether it improves or makes it worse due to simulation of that cell feeding process.
    I was wondering if then polyps could be made worse due to similar.

    • That’s a great question. From my knowledge about red and infrared light therapy, these wavelengths, which you are naturally exposed to when you go out to the sun, do feed the cell as you said, and thus make it healthier. Any batch of cells that are not healthy and not supposed to be there (such as tumors or polyps) – become healthier and thus stops growing abnormally or growing at all. That’s why when you expose a tumor to heat (infrared light) – the tumor is damaged but the surrounding, healthy cells are not affected. I hope this helps.

    • Yes, they can work. They do not target the allergy triggers but manage the symptoms of rhinitis – naturally and with no medication. It’s worth a try…

  4. I was looking for the best lamp to buy and what wattage worked best, so was disappointed with your info😞

  5. Hi – I suffer from an iatrogenic condition called Empty Nose Syndrome. In short, I had a turbinate reduction surgery with approximately 20% excised leaving me with one of many side effects, including rhinitis sicca, otherwise known as a dry mucosa. I’ve been investigating these devices for a few months now and ran across this article. If LLLT (redlight therapy) does what it says for mucosal tissues, such as increasing blood flow, enhancing blood oxygen saturation, repairing blood capillaries, improved nasal anti-virus/germs ability, and strengthening detoxification ability of the nasal mucosa, I would think that these improvements should offer a stable environment for improving moisture to the epithelial layer of the nasal mucosa as found on the turbinates. I welcome your thoughts – thank you.

  6. I bought the hailcare and its really helped me. Combined with saline nasal spray every evening, I have stopped my telfast pills and avymist spray :-) Thank you to this page for sharing this info.

  7. I am interested in photobiomudulation for whole body healing. Does the products you sell or tell us about do this? Could one use different color led light diodes for different therapy, like perhaps target different places in the body that may need to be activated if they are not working the way they should? Are these different colored led light diodes available? Could you tell me of where I could read more research? Thanks, Angel33

    • Yes, different colors treat different conditions and you can use them on various body parts. Different colored LEDs do exist, but mostly not in one device – except for facial masks and one more type of device. If you’ll tell me exactly what you want to treat I can help you find the right device for you.

  8. I have nasal congestion that I cant get rid of for about 7 years.
    I am going to buy one of these.
    Hope it works.


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